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Chun Nat High School,
A Project to install lights and fans 
February 2017

In February 2017, I visited a local high school, Chut Nat High School, the second-largest high school in Kampong Cham, where 899 students attended G9-G12. It was a Saturday afternoon, morning classes had ended, and all the students had left the school campus.


The government provides free schooling in Cambodia, but students only attend either morning or afternoon sessions, four hours per day. Imagine you were a student trying to focus amid the heat and humidity in a room
with no light. In the barely equipped classrooms, there were not even lights and fans. I felt sorry for the students who must work hard in the hot, humid, and poorly lit classrooms.

With two friends with whom I shared this story, we donated funds to install proper lighting and ceiling fans in 21 classrooms under the supervision of my local partner, PFDO.


Three months later, with the support of two other sponsors, we were able to install twenty-one classrooms with lights and fans.


From this time onward, I knew education would be my calling for Charity Cambodia.

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